It's a Monkees Marathon!

1986. And so it began. My life-long obsession with the Monkees. We all have to have our thing, right?

Well, in just five days I get to see the “Threekees”–Davy, Micky, and Peter–on stage together again. The first time I saw them I was 10 years old. The second time I was 11. That was more than 20 years ago.

It’s strange to think how time passes. Instead of celebrating their 20th anniversary (which seemed like a lot of years back then), they are celebrating their 45th! Peter turns 70 his next birthday.

I’ve been so pleased by all the positive reviews, including this one from Rolling Stone. That’s a big deal since Rolling Stone hasn’t always had nice things to say about my very favorite, pre-fab, boy band.

For the next few days I’ll share some of my favorite Monkee-memories, in anticipation of the big night!

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